About Us : Who Are We?
Dr Jon Boakes
Chartered Clinical Psychologist
B.A. (Hons) D.Clin.Psych C.Psychol
Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society
HCPC Registered Psychologist (Health & Care Professions Council HCPC)
Jon completed his first degree in Psychology at the University of Wales in 1992. He completed a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the South Thames Regional (NHS) Clinical Psychology Training Scheme at the Salomon’s Centre in Kent in 1998. Jon worked within the NHS in a range of specialities: Children & Families; Adult Mental Health; Learning Disability; Older Adults; Forensic Mental Health; Brain Injury and Health Psychology.
Following Doctoral training Jon was employed in a variety of NHS clinical settings including: Primary Care; Adult Mental Health and Forensic Mental Health Services. Jon is a Chartered member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and full member of the BPS Division of Clinical Psychology. Jon is currently employed part-time as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist within NHS Mental Health Rehabilitation Services.
Jon has also completed additional specialist psychotherapy training including: Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT); Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT); Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR); Acceptance Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).
Jon’s clinical and research interests include: individual and group responses to trauma; occupational health; treatment of anxiety; obsessive compulsive disorder; psychosis; violence risk assessment; individual/team performance.
Ms Lynn Payne
Speech & Language Therapist
Lynn graduated from the Cardiff School of Speech and Language Therapy, with a first class degree in SALT, in 1994.
Since graduating, Lynn completed training in: eating and drinking difficulties; Facial and Oral Tract Therapy; Keyword Signing; Picture Exchange Communication System (PECs); creating sensory environments for people with complex needs.
Lynn has experience of working within hospital (stroke rehabilitation), community (adults with learning disabilities) and educational settings (physical disability, learning disability, children with complex needs, children with autism). She has a special interest in developing communication through the use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).